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The Rock spoke to Hot 97's Peter Rosenberg and discussed his upcoming reality series, The Hero. During the interview, The Rock admitted that his match with John Cena at WrestleMania 29 may have been his last. "Possibly, to be honest with you," Rock replied when asked if his match against John Cena at WrestleMania 29 was his last. "The goal three years ago was I sat down with Vince McMahon and strategized about it, about three WrestleMania's back to back... I committed myself to the company and I was very proud of that moment. It didn't matter if I lost or I did the job, but it was an honor to do the honors. There is no better way to give back... then by doing the honors." Rock also noted Cena was "hands down" the right guy to lose to. "People wanted to build me to a certain place, and then do things the right way. And for the business that I love, it was an awesome way, it was the best way to give back. Was it my last match? Possibly. I'm really not too sure, and I wouldn't rule it out." Rock was also asked if the original plan was to build for a rubber match with Cena at next year's WrestleMania in New Orleans. "No, not at all," Rock replied, before admitting that there were plans for a match with Brock Lesnar. "The original plan was possibly Brock and myself. That was the next thing that made sense to me because I love Brock, we've been friends for over a decade now and we can have a great athletic match. But then I had torn my two tendons on my pelvis and I had to fly home that day, and we couldn't do what we wanted to do on RAW that day. So... possibly, possibly with Brock down the road." The Rock also said that he talked to Vince McMahon and Triple H the night of WrestleMania about his injury. He said that he and Vince agreed in the locker room that he wouldn't be at RAW the next day, and that he got a call from one of the writers the next day about issuing a statement on RAW, which he did.
Jim Ross Reacts
Jim Ross has a new blog entry online where he touched on The Rock’s comments of Wrestlemania 29 possibly being his final match. Below is an excerpt:
Has the Rock, @TheRock, wrestled his last match due to injury? Seems as if Rock has left that matter open for speculation depending on the results of the surgery and his non stop schedule, etc. However, knowing Dwayne as I do, I would think that he would want to go out differently and be remembered for one, last major bout. If I had to make a wager, I’d say we haven’t seen the last of @TheRock. The one wild card may be his movie partners who may not want to risk their franchise player stepping back in the ring. That’s all TBD. I would speculate that if Dwayne can’t do WM30 for any reason that he may be closer to done than many want to see. ROCK'S RADIO INTERVIEW WITH PETER ROSENBERG. HE ADMITS HE MAY BE DONE WITH WRESTLING AND ADDRESSES THE RUMORS OF HIM WALKING OUT ON WWE. CHECK THIS OUT: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGNgA3gxriM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Following up on our earlier report about WWE Diva Rosa Mendes being sent home from the ongoing international tour, WWE issued the following statement on Monday afternoon: “Milena Roucka (Rosa Mendes) left the international tour for personal reasons.” According to WWE sources, Rosa has been exhibiting wild, erratic behavior over the past week and it’s believed that alcohol is involved. Rosa Mendes tweeted the following on Monday afternoon in response to being sent home: Rosa Mendes @LaRosaMendes "Just wanted to let all my #Mendesluverz that I'm ok. I had to take care of some personal matters. Thank you for all your support. Love you💗" 1:55 AM - 23 Apr 2013 "I also encourage everyone to continue #MuscleMania. It has helped me in the past and it will still be helping me now. #Determination." 2:00 AM - 23 Apr 2013
MMA fighter Paul Lazenby, a stuntman and friend of WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, recently told Live Audio Wrestling that “The Rattlesnake” is in great shape and would consider wrestling one more match. The LAW tweeted: Live Audio Wrestling @LAWradio "According to Paul Lazenby - Steve Austin is in better shape then most might think, last time they spoke he would entertain the "right offer"" 9:21 AM - 22 Apr 2013
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:
The Rock’s In-Ring Future:
“Has the Rock, @TheRock, wrestled his last match due to injury? Seems as if Rock has left that matter open for speculation depending on the results of the surgery and his non stop schedule, etc. However, knowing Dwayne as I do, I would think that he would want to go out differently and be remembered for one, last major bout. If I had to make a wager, I’d say we haven’t seen the last of @TheRock. The one wild card may be his movie partners who may not want to risk their franchise player stepping back in the ring. That’s all TBD. I would speculate that if Dwayne can’t do WM30 for any reason that he may be closer to done than many want to see.”
Steve Austin Wrestling Again:
“Interesting note….recently I read about @steveaustinBSR being in great shape physically and looking excellent ala being in ‘show shape’ but not wrestling shape for a return to a WWE ring. News flash or as the one person in the world that I would really NOT want to take a long, care trip with, Nancy Grace, might say….BOMBSHELL….Steve is ALWAYS in great shape. Old habits die hard and the Texas Rattlesnake (Thanks, JR) is a gym guy in that he hits the gym regularly and with P&V. With all that said, the only way that I see Steve returning to the ring for one, final bout is obviously on the biggest stage (WM30), with the exact, right opponent (Who is that?) , and with a strategic game plan that Steve can emotionally invest . That’s a bunch of if’s so the door isn’t closed but it’s not exactly standing wide open either. Austin fans will continue to hold out hope until it’s either a done deal or not but a Stone Cold return at WM30 would help insure that the biggest event of 2014 would be a can’t miss event. AS I have said in the past, I’d gage an Austin return to WWE for a farewell promotion as 50/50 or less.”
New WWE Divas & New Divas E! Reality Show
WWE is bringing some new Diva prospects to NXT to begin training soon plus with the new, WWE Diva reality show that will be airing this Fall, I assume, on the E Network, I’d say that WWE is essentially setting the reset button on the Divas division sooner than later. E cameras were all over the place at WM29 as some new talents are also featured in this new show. Being the reality show junkie that I am, I’m looking forward to seeing this production and from what I could tell all the ladies were just being themselves, for better or for worse, and not doing ‘canned’ reality.
WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart recently took part in an online Q&A session with fans. Here are some highlights of what he said about:
Will he be making a career out of improv comedy he’s been doing?
“I don’t think so, but you never know what can happen. I have a lot of fun doing them. I appreciate people giving me a stage. They present scenarios that are quite easy for anybody to step into and be quite funny. Sometimes I can be spontaneously funny. When you just make it up as you go along it’s hit or miss, but I’ve found I’ve done pretty good.”
His Current Relationship with Vince McMahon:
“The last conversations we’ve had have been good. He seems to always be very warm and friendly with me. I would say he’s on the very best of terms with me. I think the last time I really talked to him, my knee was pretty swollen. He wanted me to go out to the ring in Philadelphia — and I did go out — but we were talking about our various injuries, since he had just had hip surgery. We’ve both sort of realized that we’re not getting any younger.”
What’s the Greatest Compliment He Ever Received?
“(Long pause) I think it’s that I was often told by the wrestlers I worked with that I was their best match. That was every single one of them, from Mr. Perfect to my brother Owen to the Bulldog to the Undertaker to Steve Austin — almost every single one of them pulled me aside and said the best match they ever had was the one against me. The list goes on — 1-2-3 Kid, Kevin Nash, Roddy Piper, Yokozuna — and I think it’s true. Every match was a different story, and we made magic. The other thing is that I never hurt anybody in all the years I wrestled. I had wrestlers come up to me and thank me for the match every night, thanking me because there was never any extra aches and pains or injuries. No animals were harmed in the making of my movies!”