Wrestling Zone is a blog update about professional wrestling that provide you fans a latest news, rumors, feuds and rivalries between great competitors, weekly match results specially from WWE Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smack Down. Wrestling Zone will also provide you a pay per view live updates.
Sheamus & Randy Orton vs. Big Show & Mark Henry was announced for this week’s episode of Smackdown on WWE Raw. WWE will tape this week’s Smackdown Tuesday night from the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, TN. The Undertaker will compete on Raw next Monday, which is being taped at the London O2 Arena in London, England. In-advance, the venue has been advertising an appearance from “The Deadman.” Also announced on this week’s WWE Raw, a number one contender battle royal on this week’s episode of WWE Main Event for a shot at Wade Barrett and the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
As you can imagine, WWE is thrilled with the exposure that Fandango and his theme song have been getting over the past week. WWE has been pushing the Fandango Revolution on Twitter, asking fans and popular brands to take the “Fandango challenge” and upload video of them Fandangoing. They are also encouraging fans to download Fandango’s theme song, ChaChaLaLa, from iTunes and make it their ringtones. Fandango’s theme song, ChaChaLaLa, has been played at several professional sporting events over the past week, including games for the Buffalo Sabres NHL team and the UK’s Everton Football Club. BuzzFeed.com has an article up about Fandango’s entrance theme racing up the Billboard charts. FOXNews.com also has an article up looking at the Fandangoing craze. Fandango tweeted this to the Houston Texans cheerleaders for their video: Fandango @WWEFandango "I would like to personally thank all the TX Cheerleaders for all the support. Ill b holding private dance lessons in Houston in May. #hugs" 2:26 AM - 13 Apr 13
Paul Heyman was recently interviewed by Brian Soscia. Here are some highlights of what he said about: What He Would Do Differently If He Ran WWE: “I’d fire the McMahons immediately.” His First Reaction To Seeing CM Punk: “How could you look at CM Punk and not think that he has the it factor? I don’t think I’m any great visionary or genius because I saw something in CM Punk, I think everyone else is a stupid schmuck for not seeing it in CM Punk. They’re blind. I mean truly, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king and if you can’t spot that CM Punk is magic from the moment he walks in the door then you’re reading a playbook from an antiquated writer.” What Drew Him Into Wrestling: “The very next week [following the Apollo and Martinez vs. Love Brothers match] they were replaced on television by Vince McMahon’s father’s television show and I saw Superstar Billy Graham do one interview and I was blown away by it. I realized that that man does not work for a living. I said I don’t want to work for a living either. I want to talk s*** on TV like Superstar Billy Graham. That’s what I get to do for a living now.” His Greatest Creation in ECW: “The ECW audience itself. The audience was the biggest star. We played to them and for a reason. They were the greatest performers we had. I mean, who else would have thought about actually chanting the name of the promotion? We didn’t come up with that. They did. Who else thought of then screaming out the name of the company and literally fighting our battles for us? We didn’t ask them to do it. They volunteered to. We didn’t get on pay per view on our own merits. We got on pay per view because the audience got us on. The greatest creation of ECW was the ECW audience.”
Ryback is now training with Mexican boxer Ramon Montano. He Tweeted the following photo on Saturday: Ryback @Ryback22 "Completed 5 rounds of 3 min each tonight w/ @ramon_montano boxing. Prior 300 reps of abs." 2:03 AM - 14 Apr 13
WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin things WWE newcomer Fandango is destined for big things. Austin tweeted on Sunday: Steve Austin @steveaustinBSR "BOLD PREDICTION-FANDANGO WILL BE IC CHAMP WITHIN 6-8 MONTHS. #WWE You heard it here first. #steveaustinshow" 1:37 PM - 14 Apr 13 Austin, a former two-time Intercontinental champion himself and arguably the biggest star in the history of the business, knows a thing or two about what it takes to get over. Apparently he sees something in Fan-dan-go.
Scott Hall joined Inside The Ropes this past Thursday to talk about getting sober and his career in professional wrestling. Highlights from the interview are as follows:
About being a top guy in the WWE today and his son Cody going there:
“I don’t get to watch a lot of WWE, but through this internet thing, Some people comment about a guy becoming the World Champ or the US champ and a couple of weeks later he’s down the card in the opening match. I think that kills the image of being a top guy. But I guess the promoters, the guys in the WWE calling the shots are seeing it like ‘We’re giving you a chance and if you don’t produce, you don’t produce and back down you go’ I’ve talked to Cody about it a lot and he’s in no hurry to go there. He’d rather be seasoned and polished before he makes a move like that.”
On what Scott and Kevin knew the night of the Bash at the Beach 96:
“We had no idea who it was going to be. The whole third guy thing came up by accident. I remember Kev and I called Bret and I spoke to him, Kev spoke to him and we told him it was really fun working at WCW. It was really laid back, guaranteed money, it was easy. We were so used to being in a shark tank in New York. Coming to Atlanta was like being in a country club. It was really tame in the locker room in WCW compared to New York. We told Bret he should come down. Bischoff was interested, he was offering him a pretty sweet deal but Bret wasn’t interested. We wanted it to be Hulk, but Hulk had creative control in his contract so he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to do. We went to the ring, we hadn’t even met Hulk yet, I met him briefly at WrestleMania 9 but I didn’t know Hulk, we actually went to the ring in Daytona and Hogan wasn’t even there yet. He was on a jet, flying cross country from shooting a movie. Bischoff wanted it to be Hulk but before we went out, Bischoff told us “If Hulk doesn’t show, I’m gonna send out Sting.”
How he became sober, with the assistance of Diamond Dallas Page:
“I didn’t have any purpose in my life. My goal had been to be a top star in wrestling and I did that. Then I thought the natural progression would be me working in the office but it didn’t happen. I had a little heart episode about 7 weeks ago, I ended up in the hospital in intensive care for a week. The doctor commented ‘you’re a freak, you’re a genetic freak, your heart is normal again’ While I was there, there was this kid who brought me my food and he was a big wrestling fan, and the kid kept coming back and one time he whipped out his iPhone and he had the before and after pics of Jake The Snake. I’d heard things but never seen the pictures. I’d talked to Jake and I knew good things were happening and Dallas was at the root of it and I thought, Do I go to rehab again? Or do I try something else? Instead of treading water in rehab, I don’t know what triggered it and to be honest i don’t question it. I’m moving in the right direction finally, for the first time in so long. I’m 65 days now without any alcohol or drug. I’ve had longer times, but I’ve always been in a facility. I have no cravings and I feel great.”
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:
Last Week’s Rowdy Crowd At RAW:
“Speaking of reactions, the live events, RAWS, Smackdown, and the PPVs are the places fans should express themselves and not, as I wrote about recently, at an event like the WWE Hall of Fame. The boorish behavior of a loud, perhaps inebriated, minority of male fans is inexcusable and, believe me, I’ve heard all the excuses since writing about some of the attendees who acted like morons at the 2013 #WWEHOF Induction Ceremony. I see this behavior as a total lack of respect for all involved in the process not just those being jeered. Finally, the “we pay our money, so we can act any way that we choose” excuse is laughable….and embarrassing.”
Ryback Attacking Cena:
“Just because @Ryback22 is hungry for the WWE Title and the money that comes along with it why does that motive make the powerhouse a villain? Since when did ambition make one an antagonist. Antagonist display a variety of common traits, non of which I have seen yet, I stress yet, from Ryback. I do like the apparent pairing of Ryback vs. John Cena and where this matter may be heading. To me, it certainly feels fresh even though some will take exception to the fact that Cena is in the equation. It doesn’t both me and I see this rivalry selling tickets and producing a reaction in the arenas.”
Steve Austin’s Thoughts on Fandango:
“@steveaustinBSR predicts that @WWEFandango will be IC Champion within a few months. It might not take that long but I could also see Fandango winning the US Title as well at some point. Stars become stars over the long haul and even though Fandango has had an amazing few weeks and change as it relates to recognition, etc, it’s how he does long term that writes his story. If Fandango can continue to grow, a key role at WM30 could be in his future and that’s generally considered the yard stick.”