Wrestling Zone is a blog update about professional wrestling that provide you fans a latest news, rumors, feuds and rivalries between great competitors, weekly match results specially from WWE Monday Night Raw and Friday Night Smack Down. Wrestling Zone will also provide you a pay per view live updates.
Here are the latest tweets from WWE Champion The Rock and John Cena leading up to their WrestleMania 29 match this weekend: John Cena @JohnCena "Now @iamdiddy will perform at #WrestleMania @TheRock @WWE I will make sure it's a #suckerfreesunday #RTime=NOW #redemption 4/7/13" 1:34 PM - 03 Apr 13 Dwayne Johnson @TheRock "15 years ago I started my career in NY. Sunday will TRULY be my honor. #Wrestlemania29 #SweetEmotion #BringIt pic.twitter.com/jdoKhVDfCX" 5:42 PM - 03 Apr 13
WWE has released the new “ROCKpocalypse” mobile game featuring WWE Champion The Rock. The game is a 3D open-world action game available for iOS and Android. Check out these screenshots -
WWE Chairman Vince McMahon announced on Twitter this evening that he will be inducting Donald Trump into the WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday night at Madison Square Garden in New York City: Vince McMahon @VinceMcMahon "Battle of the Billionaires revisited? I’m honored to be inducting @RealDonaldTrump into the @WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday. #WWEHOF" 11:08 PM - 02 Apr 13
Ricardo Rodriguez tweeted the following after last night’s RAW:
“Swagger legit messes up my ankle and tonight I was temporarily paralyzed after he hit me off the apron. This ain’t no storyline anymore. Beyond grateful I got feeling back in my arms and legs and am grateful to be able to function and live to fight another day!” World Heavyweight champion Alberto Del Rio tweeted the following message and photo after getting beaten by Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter on RAW: Alberto Del Rio @VivaDelRio "Enjoy this moment @RealJackSwagger @WWEZeb because you two made a mistake, I'm still on my feet,and i will break you both in pieces" 2:59 AM - 02 Apr 13 "Every mark on my body will be a broken bone for you. So start counting #PERROS pic.twitter.com/W4h2Sg6VVT" 3:00 AM - 02 Apr 13
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com with his thoughts on Monday’s RAW the three top matches headed into Sunday’s WrestleMania 29 pay-per-view.
CM Punk vs. The Undertaker:
Thought that the final segment of Raw involving Taker and Punk was controversial and dramatic and it made me want to see the match between the two even more. I can certainly see where some viewers were uncomfortable with the presentation but perhaps that was the intent. Mark my words, @CMPunk vs. Undertaker will be tougher than a $2 steak to follow.
The Rock vs. John Cena:
The hay is in the barn for Rock vs. Cena. It;’s been over a year since this rivalry started and Sunday is the time for the talking to end and the show closer to deliver. Following everything on the card and attempting to engage the audience who has been at the stadium for hours is daunting but that comes with the territory. I have every belief that the two men that I signed to WWE contracts will rise to the occasion.
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar:
Thought the addition of HBK in HHH’s corner vs. Brock Lesnar was a timely touch and that Paul Heyman was excellent on the mic representing his client. Slobber Knocker time for the Cerebral Assassin and the former WWE and UFC champion without question. This one won’t be a Brisco vs. Funk catch as catch can masterpiece but it will be car crash-like. I see some sweet chin music in @HeymanHustle future in Jersey. Just saying.
WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is said to be a huge fan of Fandango’s new character, which is the reason we’ve seen him get such a strong push in recent weeks. The match against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 29 is designed to further get Fandango over – since a loss won’t hurt Jericho but a win for the newcomer at the WWE’s biggest show of the year would establish him as a strong mid-card player. Regarding Jericho’s WWE status, the two sides are talking about what his role with the company will be in the coming months. The situation remains that Jericho likes working with WWE as long as he has the freedom to pursue outside projects like his band Fozzy, the Robot Combat League and other TV hosting gigs.