* Opening Segment:
Undertaker came out to the ring where the urn that the late Paul Bearer was placed. He was paying tribute to his "Father" but CM Punk came out to interrupt and disrespect Paul Bearer to piss Taker off.
* Big Show beat Seth Rollins via disqualification when Ambrose and Reigns attacked the giant during the match. The Shield continued their attack on Show afterwards.
* Dolph Ziggler beat Daniel Bryan with The ZigZag finisher
* Tensai vs Fandango was scheduled but after some verbal exchange Fandango refused to fight.
* The New Age Outlaws vs Team Rhodes Scholars ended in a no contest after Brock Lesnar came out and destroyed Road Dogg and Billy Gunn by giving each of them an F5.
* Mark Henry beat Kofi Kingston with The World's Strongest Slam.
* Ryback beat Heath Slater in a squash match. Post match, Ryback and Mark Henry are showing off their power to one another by destroying every member of 3MB.
* Alberto Del Rio beat Antonio Cesaro with a Cross Arm Breaker,
* Sheamus and Randy Orton beat Team Rhodes Scholars
* #1 Contender's Match for the Intercontinental Championship: Miz vs Chris Jericho ended up in a DQ when Wade Barrett came in to attack.
* Jack Swagger beat Sin Cara with the Patriot Lock.
* Kane beat CM Punk with a Chokeslam. After the match Undertaker came put and both he and Kane paid tribute to Paul Bearer. CM Punk came back to attack Kane with an urn. Punk and Taker stared each other down to end the show.
There are 27 days until Wrestlemania 29!
The show kicks off with a video tribute to Paul Bearer. The Undertaker’s music hits and he slowly walks down to the ring. There is an urn set up in the middle of the ring, which Undertaker bows to out of respect. CM Punk’s music hits and he tells Taker that he is sorry for his loss – at Wrestlemania. Punk says that the positive out of this tragedy is that to Bearer the Undertaker will always be perfect at Wrestlemania. But to everyone else, Taker will be 20 and 1.
We see that during the commercial, Kane came out to try and chokeslam Punk, but Punk ran away.
Kane is shown walking through the back searching for Punk. He is tossing chairs out of his way as he looks for Kane.
Big Show v. Seth Rollins w/ The Shield
Rollins attempts to use his speed at the start of the match, but Big Show proves too strong and tosses Rollins out of the ring. Show follows after and starts to attack the other members of The Shield, but the numbers games proves too much. Show starts to fight back and rolls Ambrose into the ring as the referee calls for the DQ.
Winner via DQ: Big Show
The assault on Show continues until he is ultimately hit with the three way Powerslam.
Punk walks into Vickie’s office and is upset about Kane’s involvement. Vickie tells him that he’ll have to ask for mercy from Kane. Punk will face Kane later tonight in a No DQ match.
Remembering Paul Bearer: WWE Superstars February 16, 1991. Paul Bearer is introduced as Undertaker’s manager.
Daniel Bryan v. Dolph Ziggler
Bryan is quick on the offense at the start and locks on a surfboard stretch. Cover, but Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler fights back with a dropkicks, but Bryan kicks out. Dolph pushes Bryan into the corner, but the referee separates them. Bryan whips Dolph towards the corner and hits a splash. Cover, but Ziggler kicks out. Bryan tries to rake the arm, and twists Ziggler all over the ring. Bryan sends Dolph out of the ring and attempts a suicide dive, but Langston jumps up on the apron to block. Bryan kicks out Dolph and flips out of the corner. Bryan hits a lariat and looks for another splash. Ziggler rolls through a suplex and looks for the cover, but Bryan kicks out. Bryan starts in with punches causing Ziggler to flop down to the mat. Cover, but Ziggler kicks out. Bryan sets Ziggler up on the top turnbuckle, but his suplex attempt is turned into a crossbody by Ziggler. Bryan is tossed into the corner and then hit with the Zig Zag. Bryan kicks out. Ziggler tries a roll up, but Bryan kicks out and attempts a Yes lock. Ziggler escapes and dodges a kick. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag and this match is over.
Winner via Zig Zag: Dolph Ziggler
After the match, Ziggler and AJ kiss in the middle of the ring. AJ stares on at the fallen Bryan. Langston decides he might as well get involved after a glance from aJ and hits his finisher.
Sweet T makes his entrance with the rest of the funky bunch. Fandango is introduced by Justin Roberts, but he doesn’t appear. Tensai tries to call him out, but when Fandango finally appears for his entrance, he says that Tensai mispronounced his name so he won’t be coming down to the ring till they can pronounce his name correctly. He wants Naomi to say it because he says she is better than all of this.
Team Rhodes Scholars is in the ring and presents their own version of the NAO’s entrance promo. The New Age Outlaws than make their entrance with the real version. The match is barely underway when Brock Lesnar’s music hits and he charges down to the ring. He takes out the NAO to send a message to HHH.
Heyman gets on the mic and says that Lesnar doesn’t play games, he hurts people. Heyman calls out HBK and mentions that Lesnar broke his arm. Lesnar also hit an F-5 on Vince. Heyman is here to announce that Lesnar will be fighting HHH at Wrestlemania. Heyman says that Lesnar will only agree if they can set the stipulation. Lesnar will only announce the stipulation after HHH signs the match contract.
Mark Henry v. Kofi Kingston
Kofi gets in a little bit of offense using his speed, but Henry tosses him out of the ring. Kofi uses his speed to climb the turnbuckle but is caught in a World’s Strongest Slam. Kofi joins the Hall of Pain as this match quickly ends.
Winner: Mark Henry
Team Rhodes Scholars is backstage with Kaitlynn as they introduce the returning Bella Twins. They say that they are back. Vickie shows up to welcome them back.
Ryback v. Heath Slater w/ 3MB
Ryback nearly immediately hits Shell Shocked to end this match.
Winner: Ryback
Drew McIntyre tries to come to the aid of his fallen stablemate, but is hit with Shell Shocked. Mark Henry makes his way down to the ring and hits Drew with the World’s Strongest Slam. Ryback and Henry both hit their finishers again to show off their strength.
Alberto Del Rio v. Antonio Cesaro
They exchange holds back and forth with each attempting a few pinfalls. Cesaro is impressive against the World Heavyweight Champion. Del Rio leaps from the top turnbuckle but is caught with an uppercut. Cesaro goes for the cover, but Rio kicks out. Cesaro argues with the referee about the count. Cesaro looks for a suplex, but Rio counters into the cross arm breaker.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Josh Mathews is backstage with Kane. Kane is holding an urn in his hands. Instead of speaking he walks away.
Randy Orton & Sheamus v. Team Rhodes Scholars
Orton and Sandow start the match. Sheamus gets the tag and leaps in with a battering ram. Cody is brought into the match but is knocked down to the mat. Sheamus tries to run into the ropes but Sandow pulls them down as Sheamus falls out of the ring. Rhodes rolls him back in and tries for a cover. Sheamus fights back and brings Orton in for the hot tag. Orton hits his former Legacy partner with a slam and tries for a cover. Rhodes kicks out. The battle continues until Cody takes to the top rope only to be hit with a Superplex.
Sheamus gets the tag and attacks Sandow as he comes in with the tag. Sandow is hit with a few clubbing blows and then Sheamus hits White Noise. Sheamus pumps up for the Brogue Kick, and this match is over.
Winners: Randy Orton & Sheamus
Highlight Reel
Chris Jericho has no set other than a black mat cover. Miz is brought down with a preview of The Marine 3. Miz says it is nice to be a guest and not a host. Wade Barrett comes down and says that his movie opened in the top 5 at the box office. Miz makes fun of him. Wade puts himself over as a great actor. He says he has had to turn down several offers because he is too busy being the Intercontinental Champion. They all get into a “really” off. Wade is fired up. Jericho reminds the audience that he helped Wade win the first season of NXT. Jericho says he is a 9 time IC Champion, maybe he should make it 10 times.
Brad Maddox comes out and has an announcement from team “Brickie”. Wade will take on the winner of Jericho and Miz for the Title.
Chris Jericho v. The Miz
Wade joins in on commentary for this match.
Miz hits a boot and attempts a cover, but Jericho kicks out. Miz hits a few dropkicks at the knees of Jericho as he looks to weaken the limb for the Figure 4. Jericho looks for the Walls of Jericho, but Miz counters into a roll up. Jericho kicks out. Jericho cinches on the Walls again but Miz is able to escape. They brawl outside of the ring and Miz is tossed over the commentators’ booth at Wade. Wade responds by attacking both men which brings an end to the match.
Winner: No Contest
After the match, Jericho and Miz each hit their finishers on Wade in the ring.
Ricardo Rodriguez & Alberto Del Rio present a vignette mocking Swagger and Colter.
Jack Swagger v. Sin Cara
Cara knocks Swagger out of the ring and then hits a baseball slide. Back inside the ring Swagger retakes control. He begins to work the leg of Cara and locks on the Patriot Lock.
Winner: Jack Swagger
After the match, Swagger runs down to the ring and locks a cross arm breaker on Swagger. Colter pulls his protégé out of the ring.
No Disqualification
Kane v. CM Punk
Punk charges straight at Kane they begin to brawl outside of the ring. Kane is not in the mood for Punk’s shenanigans as Kane pulls apart the commentators’ booth. Kane punches Punk in the gut and then throws the top of the booth on Punk. Kane punches Punk in the face and follows with an elbow. Kane rolls Punk back into the ring and then sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Kane climbs up and looks for the suplex. Punk knocks Kane back and looks for the elbow. It connects and Punk goes for a cover. Kane kicks out. Punk hits a high running knee, but the bulldog is blocked. Kane tosses Punk out of the ring.
During the break, Kane tosses Punk into the corner straight into a steel chair. The No DQ brawl continues inside the ring. Kane looks to chokeslam Kane onto a steel chair, but Punk counters into a DDT onto the chair. Cover, but Kane kicks out.
Punk looks to hit Kane with a steel chair, but Kane catches him by the throat. Punk escapes with a roundhouse kick.
A gong hits and Punk looks away in fear of The Deadman. Kane takes advantage and hits a chokeslam.
Winner via Chokeslam: Kane