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WWE recently interviewed The Ultimate Warrior. Here are a few highlights. Getting his start with WWE: "I was in WCCW in Texas and the first time I worked for them, this is a story that you don't even hear no more, while I was working down there Vince had done his first Wrestlemania. He had a guy working for him at the time named George Scott and he was on his way to Florida. He was a friend of Fritz Von Erich, who owned the promotion WCCW and Fritz asked him to come down and take over the book for a while. He came in and started doing that and then an old time wrestler, Bronko Lubich, pulled me aside and said I heard George got on the phone today and he was talking to somebody from New York and he was talking about somebody down here that's got this talent. It's raw, but you know. He said don't you tell anybody cause I'll deny it. "The next thing I know I got a call from Vince and Pat Patterson asking me what the Dingo Warrior was. And then they were doing a show in Tyler, Texas and they had Koko B. Ware and Randy [Savage] and Junkyard Dog. So I go down there and they say you want to come down and perform? So I go down there and people went crazy. They asked me if I wanted to go on the road for a while. I packed my bag and went on the road for like 46 days and didn't go home. I knew what they were doing; they were trying to burn me out. And I just hung in there, kept my nose clean and stuff. They kept me off Television, I did the Dingo Warrior thing. Eight or nine months later they put my on TV for the first time and it just took off from there." His admiration for Vince McMahon: "Vince is intense, man. He goes around the clock and I was the same way. Some of the people that knew both of us said that the problem was they were too much like each other. That's why WWE has succeeded, because Vince shows up and he works everyday. Most people don't get that, that's the secret to being successful like that. And he does and I admired that. I still do, even after all the years of fighting with him. I respect him more than anybody else."
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin took part in a Ask Me Anything chat on Reddit earlier today. Here are a few notes: If he has any regrets: "i wish i had not walked out of the company when i did...bad decision." His relationship with The Rock and if they keep in touch: "the rock and i will always be friends. text msg here or there." His relationship with Eric Bischoff when he returned in 2003: "eric and i are totally cool. hes a hard working cat and always on the move. loved our chemistry as co gms." Driving the Zamboni on RAW: "learned to drive it in 5 minutes. i can drive anything on wheels..i can drive anything, actually." How much longer he would have continued wrestling if he had not gotten injured: "maybe another 5-6 years..." Possibility of a WWE return: "dont know about a return to WWE in the near future, im booked solid for a pretty long stretch."
The latest on former WWE Superstar Batista’s future with the company is there are no plans for him to return any time soon. Earlier this week, Batista (via Twitter) shot down rumors that he’s in talks with Triple H about an upcoming return. A source close to him says that acting is by far his top priority right now and he will not put any movie projects on hold to do another WWE run. That said, he is open to the idea of returning to WWE if it works with his schedule – and the earliest he could be back is WrestleMania XXX season.
The Undertaker had been rumored for a possible match at this year’s SummerSlam, but those plans are now off. The Undertaker is currently recovering from recent shoulder surgery and at this point, it’s doubtful whether he’ll be healthy in time for WrestleMania XXX next April.
Speaking of WrestleMania XXX, speculation continues that WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will return for one more match at the event. In the event that WWE and Steve Austin can reach a deal for him to appear – the current plan is for Steve Austin to wrestle his former tag team championship partner (and heated adversary): Triple H. A Steve Austin vs. Triple H feud would be an extension of the storied Austin vs. McMahon Family feud and would involve Triple H turning heel.