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WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston recently spoke with Chad Dukes of ChadDukesWrestlingShow.com and mentioned there has been talk of Batista returning. Here are some highlights:
John Cena:
“He’s been very helpful over the past few years, even before I got called up. Just giving me advice, he opened up the weight room to me. I live about 15 minutes away from his gym. He’s been very helpful, just kinda giving me pointers throughout the way, just giving me advice, and really just trying to be a mentor in many ways. I’m really grateful for him taking time to help and guide me. Honestly, he’s done that for a lot of younger talent, people just don’t see that.”
“When you look at NXT, to me there’s a ton of talent, and they’re doing a great job with everyone who’s on NXT for the most part has a story, a character, or something that you know, people can sink their teeth into. Obviously the developmental system has changed, but they’ve invested nearly $3 million dollars into that performance center, it’s huge and they’re going to be able to attract hopefully better talent as the years go on. But I think right now there’s a great deal of talent in NXT and I think it bodes well for our future. Personally, I’m a big fan of NXT as a product. If you ever get a chance to go to Full Sail for those tapings, it has a really different feel than a lot of what we do on the main roster. I’ve actually talked to a lot of people who tell me NXT is their favorite wrestling program.”
Dream Opponents:
“There are a few guys. For me it’s kinda cool to think about guys you grew up and you idolized. Undertaker has a spot where he has that allure, and that mystique, and everyone always kinda goes to Undertaker as being their guy, and rightfully so. I was also a huge Vader fan, so if they were ever able to bring him back for one, I think that would be cool as well. I know there’s been talk possibly, and I have no idea if it’s gonna happen, about Batista possibly coming back. You know guys like that, you grew up watching idolized, you know they’re all kind a dreams who knows if they’ll ever come to fruition.”